FW'18 Handout


Images and text by Injiri

Graphic Design, Print

Injiri is a handloom textiles brand creating home and clothing products from a utilitarian point of view. In September  2018, Injiri had an exhibition at the prestigious Maison et Objet in Paris. To promote their products at the exhibition Injiri required catalogues to be given away as handouts to potential clients.

The handout was designed on an A3 sized paper with a traditional ‘W’ fold. Since many brands would be presenting at Maison et Objet, to help Injiri stand out, a playful yet minimal layout that was created. The handout will be most often viewed at an A5 size and easy to fold/unfold. The images were allowed to bleed to the next panel to create visual interest. The handouts were printed on Natural Evolution Ivory paper.